It’s Me!

Hi, I’m Rafael Servatti

I was born and grew up in Brazil, and I have been a curious human since I was a kid.

From simple toys to electronics, I always disassembled everything I could to learn how they worked. And this eagerness to understand the world got bigger as I grew up. Then my tech life started.

I studied electronics (obviously!) when I was in high school. At that time, a friend lent me a book called Introduction to HTML (it was in 2000). It changed my life.

I read over 500 pages in a couple of days and learned how to create a webpage using HTML and JavaScript. Day in and day out, I already knew it was what I wanted to do: build things!

Fast forward, I taught myself how to code, started working as a software developer, and graduated in Computer Engineering.

Since then, I’ve worked for many companies, some in Brazil and others remotely worldwide.

In 2012, I read the book Lean Startup by Eric Ries. Again, another significant impact on my life. I fell in love with building a startup to solve problems (and reading books, too ?).

Then I found my business partner, and we started our startup. It was a pickup order app where you could order anything from any registered store.

We built a minimum viable product, got an angel investment, and started building a complete platform. But, after bad decisions and some personal stuff, we had to stop it.

In 2018, my dog, my wife, and I moved to Canada. It’s cold here ?!

And as curious as I am, I stumbled upon Digital Marketing in 2022, specifically Affiliate Marketing, and got hooked. I realized I could make money without creating a product or service myself.

Then, in 2023, I decided to create this blog.

It is where I share my knowledge, ideas, and things I have learned about digital marketing, business, technology, and innovation to help people to achieve their goals.

Whether you want to start an online business or make money online, here you will find the resources to facilitate and guide you on your journey.

Feel free to get in touch anytime. Thanks for reading!

Let’s Do It Together

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